The strong commitment from Band leadership and Health Commission staff has resulted in a first class health organization that makes a difference in these communities. Dedication to program objectives has meant improved health status, reduction in disease rates, and a healthier and happier community. Positive staff that works as a TEAM provides the opportunity to move forward continuously striving to accomplish more, and that drive from within is what makes our communities winners.
Our Goal
- To develop human resource capacity to fulfill our mandate.
- To develop the necessary physical facilities
- To utilize the latest information and other technology
- To ensure effective and open communication
- To deliver appropriate health services to meet the needs of the communities
- To accept the of authority of managing and controlling health services within Bigstone’s traditional land base
- To promote a healthy lifestyle and enable healthy choices
- To keep you informed of changes and opportunities in the health sector
- To support self-sufficiency for individuals and communities

Fifteen years ago the Bigstone Health Commission embarked on a number of exciting and innovative approaches to the delivery of health services for their communities:
New program plans and facilities were necessary to meet the needs of the First Nation that serves 6 communities which are dispersed throughout northern Alberta
- A major expansion to the facility in Wabasca was completed in 1998
- A Professional Centre was also built in Wabasca to accommodate a Pharmacy, along with Medical and Dental clinics.
- A mobile dental treatment trailer was obtained from the Alberta rural dental program to serve the communities of Trout and Peerless Lake.
- Bigstone Cree Nation also applied for and received authority to operate a pilot project within the Non Insured program areas, which was eventually expanded to include all NIHB programs.
- An Elders Lodge was also constructed, and opened its doors in January 1999. The home provides a much needed servicecomponent for the local residents.
- A jointly used facility was developed for Calling Lake in which the health commission plays a major role.